Fresh in Jen!...The world LOVES Sen. Barack Hussein Obama II... 'Obamania'is a global phenomenon!....The latest results from the globally subscribed poll conducted by the website "" suggests that if the world really had a say in the electoral drama of the US, then Sen. McCain would be, sadly, left sucking Donkey Kong!..... and thats the news from me, Jen!At the time of voting on this website, created by an Icelandic Guy (where btw- 92.7% pro-Obama), the overall votes were a staggering 600,000 of which 522,000 were for Obama. Landslide eh? LOL!
- Over aaand out!
- Macedonia (erstwhile Yugoslavia) is the ONLY country with a clear McCain lean (84.3% at this time)....i couldn't really figure why.
- Georgia too supports McCain (37.5%)... i guess since it better trusts the Reps to counter Mother Russia on the Abhkazia-issue.
- Very interestingly, Iran has a 20% or 1-in-5 pro-McCain vote! LOL....bless those nuts. They prolly clicked the wrong button...
- And understandably, Iraq is well...undecided (53.8%), more-or-less.
- Afghanistan with all of it's 20 netizens (lol)....are a lot more clear minded....just 2 of them voted for McCain.
- Our neighbours in Pakistan....and i was a bit surprised here....polled 71.2% Obama figures... Maybe it's the fact that Pakistan desperately needs the US $$$'s, which Obama is more inclined to spend....or maybe they just looked at his name - saw "Hussein" and O
sabama and voted!...or maybe they reckon there'll be a lot less Predator-drones raining hell fire down on their sovereign territory, with Obama-babajaan in charge.
- And then there's us - India - with a hahahahaa 99.9% pro-Obama choice!!!! (1471polls) Bigtime LOLz!!!! I bet the chap who contributed to the 1.471 (=0.1% votes) must have don't that shit just for kicks. Or just maybe, he's half-starjee-half-Vietnamese and his grand-dad was the VietCong volunteer who got caught doing the unmentionables with McCain at the Hanoi Hilton!!! Off-colour?...i noe, and i care.