The recent terror attacks in Mumbai got me thinking on how better things could have been managed. I am proud of the way we came together as a nation, and of the people who worked on the frontlines against terror, but i think the whole episode made visible a lot of things to improve.

I put down a few points on paper during the attacks itself, which i later expanded on - under 3 headings:
This is post 1 of a 4part article. Read Part 2: Too Many Heroes Part 3: Too Many Voices Part 4: Too Little Practice
Technorati Tags: terror, terrorism, terrorist, mumbai, bombay, india, taj, trident, taj mahal hotel, oberoi, indo pak

I put down a few points on paper during the attacks itself, which i later expanded on - under 3 headings:
- What Went Wrong - Things that caught my eye, which went wrong/could be better.
- Ideally - What i think we should ideally aspire for, but which i realize is utopian to expect.
- 'Ind'eally - What best can happen- keeping in mind the functioning of a country like ours.
This is post 1 of a 4part article. Read Part 2: Too Many Heroes Part 3: Too Many Voices Part 4: Too Little Practice
Technorati Tags: terror, terrorism, terrorist, mumbai, bombay, india, taj, trident, taj mahal hotel, oberoi, indo pak
Really good analysis I must say.very crisp. Liked it. Hope somebody how has an ounce of say in this stuff thinks on these lines.
Very True. I am glad you penned your thoughts down. I have been just expressing distress to people around, which obviously doesnt help anyone. But blogs like these, can have an impact. Getting people of similar thoughts together, and expressing them in a forum where you could be heard,..thats the need of the hour. Good job. :) Proud of u man :)
Hi Dinesh,
Nice written piece of thought. Try to publish in some leading daily for better sense to pervail on our so called political leaders. Where are the Raj's & Bal Thackerays of this world. They should have been inside one of those building to truly experience what a common man goes through every day.
God Bless our brave soldiers and their families. They are the true citizens. Their actions speak more than their words.
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